Add Us As An PWA & Source Label, Explained

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Founder & Owner
Lead Development Team
Sep 4, 2022
Hey everyone,
Some of you may be wondering what the hell is a source label?
Well, we are going to explain this in this short and sweet article as it's very simple to know and under it.

What's A Source Label?

A source label is a label that tells you what device a topic or reply was made on, it's just a little fun feature to show what OS you used.

How To Add Us As An App?

To get your replies to show up as your mobile/tablet OS you must install the PWA in order to install our site as an app-like experience you need to follow your phone brand's instructions on how to add websites to your device's home screen.

on how to do this on Apple iPhones and iPads (IOS)
Go Here
and for the latest Samsung Android Go Here (similar process on other Android Devices)

On Your Galaxy S22 and other compatible devices

View attachment 1

Please note that threads and posts that do not have a source label will be deleted as this feature is one of our main features of this site.

If you use your browser to create threads and reply to topics then your source label will display as "Web" no matter what the OS is as this is where it was posted on.

We hope this helps, If you have any questions or need further help then please message us
Chorus Team :D